haddonfield heritage festivals

Brookline Book News: June 2024

Brookline has been busy kicking off our summer season! From history festivals to author events, we’re breaking free from the office and enjoying this great reading weather.

Did you catch us earlier this month in either Haddonfield, New Jersey or Haverford, Pennsylvania for their heritage festivals? We brought our full collection of local histories and met so many new readers while we were out. If you’re joining us from either of these festivals, hello and welcome!

If you missed your chance to meet us in-person, we’ve got you covered with photos from both events below. We’re sure to be busy this summer, so keep an eye out for local events in the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware Valley area!

Out and About with Brookline!

haverford heritage festivals
haverford heritage festivals

Commissioning editor (and Brookline author to boot!) Jenn Green and publicist Lauren Stead attended two local heritage festivals earlier this month. The weather for both of these events was perfect and we were so happy to meet so many dedicated readers for local, Pennsylvania history!

Keep an eye out on our social channels and this newsletter to see where we’re heading next!

Do you have a literary event Brookline should attend? Let us know by reaching out to us via email with dates, deadlines, and details!

Brookline in the News

We’re not the only ones who have been busy this summer! Our authors have been launching their books, attending book festivals across America, and getting noticed. Check out were our authors have been:

  • K. A. Nelson launched his debut history, Killing Shore, years in the making from his time spent diving U-boat and merchant wrecks off the east coast, at the L. A. Times Book Festival where he shared a panel with Mark Harmon!
  • Asbury Park Press recently interviewed and featured Melissa Ziobro on her recent release of Fort Monmouth, including photos of the current site, highlights from the book, and poignant moments in history the fort contributed to that Melissa wanted no one to forget about. Read all about it online!
field of dreams great reading weather